Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Time Travel is Morally Wrong.
This is not about Centaurs.
I don't think I will ever get a tattoo.
If I could go anywhere in the world right now, it would probably be India.
I like boys with beards. I mean you have no idea how much I LOVE beards. They are so cute.
I really liked learning about dinosaurs as a kid.
I really hope Ryan Seacrest doesn't take over Larry King.
But I do hope Conan O'Brien takes over Jay Leno next year!
I really like segways.
Kristin Wigg is my hero.
I like to read real fairy tales for their creeper factor.
I like radio jingles that take themselves to seriously.
I'm not a fan of John Stamos.
Indian boys know how to party.
Sometimes I can't say no.
The girls on my floor are annoying and loud. And if I hear that Taylor Swift song one more time, well then it's going down.
I think my RA's are creepers.
I am starting to use the word creeper a lot.
Wisdom Teeth...
I mean seriously, it has to be. Getting my wisdom teeth removed was the most painful experience I have ever been through. I had not one, but four impacted wisdom teeth. I remember feeling my gums with my tongue and feeling something hard trying to make its way through the surface. I kind of knew these had to be my wisdom teeth coming in. I went to the oral surgeon and got x-rays taken, which verified my feelings about my sore gums. My dentist told me I could be put under anesthesia or have laughing gas which was less expensive. I didn't think it was necessary for me to be put to sleep, so I chose the nitrous oxcide. He also said since my wisdom teeth were impacted he would have to use a bone saw, which he would later fix with dissovable stitches. Just the word bone saw was enough to make freaked out.
The day finally came when I was scheduled to have my unnecessary cave men teeth to be removed. First, a nurse came to give me shots in my gums to numb them. Then came the nitrous oxcide. The best part of the whole procedure. The nitrous oxcide instantly relaxed my fears and I was just in my own little zone. My surgeon came in and when I heard the buzz of the scary sharp saw I got really scared. Then all of a sudden a heard a tear, which was my gum, being ripped open. I could feel blood dripping down my chin. The sound of my flesh being sawed open must have been pretty hilarious since I started laughing...and laughing. My surgeon had to stop and asked why I was laughing. I told him I wasn't sure but the sound of the saw agaisnt my gums is pretty funny. He then said, "Better than drugs, and it's legal." So, now I understand why nitrous oxicide is sometimes called laughing gas.
room mate.
Digital Photography
There are multiple reason why I feel this way. Just because you have a camera doesn't mean you need to take pictures of you and your friends every time you see them. Then go upload the pictures you just took and put them on the internet, because you want the world to know you stepped outside of the house and socialized with actual people. You then rush home back to your internet world and instantly put the damn pictures up. The same poses of you and your friends over and over does not make you a photographer. The same pictures all girls have on their social networking sites. The picture where one girl is holding the camera up while they both make funny faces. No one else is there to take the picture so you can see the picture takers extended arm on the side.
I also dislike the over-usageness of picnik and photshop. Girls, that take group photos and then write all over the pictures with stupid sayings and peace signs. Don't get me started on photoshop. People that photshop their pictures so much that you can't recognize it's even them. Girls that spend 10 minutes taking pictures of themselves, trying to get the right picture and then spend more time photoshopping it-just to go post it on myspace for their friends, who already know what they look like to see.
My point is this: Do not rely on your camera to show off how cool you are, and how cool your friends are. Don't try to make your plain pictures look artistic with the use of photoshop. If they weren't good pictures to begin with, it's because you are NOT a real photographer. That is all.
Black Friday.
Did you hear of the Walmart greeter that got trampled to death this year?
Or the pregnant women that got knocked down and lost her baby?
Stories like this happen every year. It's disgusting to hear how greedy people can get during the holidays. Doesn't greed ruin the purpose of Christmas? I think maybe we should make a law and buy presents every other year...that could suck, too. I'm not sure what the happy medium would be. Getting things we only really need?
I, myself, have never participated in the evil of Black Friday. Too many people rushing around everywhere, too many long lines. I think it would make me angry being involved in such madness!
RIP Chuck Taylors
Dear Tennis Shoes,
Today, as I was heading out the door I grabbed you, and as I placed you, Lefty on my foot I couldn't believe that you could actually snap and break. My old faithful tennis shoes. I remember the first day I got you in 8th grade, I was 14 then. You made me feel so special. I wore you to my very first Warped Tour. We have shared so many memories, both good and bad. I thought you would be with me forever.
I remember when I was 16 and decided I should branch out and try different shoes, like moccosins and ballet flats. I still thought of you, and occasionally wore you to mow the grass or walk in the park.
I just can't believe it's over. This four year relationship we have had, has now come to an end. I will always love you and promise never to throw you away.
Right now, I am listening to "Goodbye my Lover" by James Blunt in your honor. You were the greatest shoes I ever owned because of all of our special memories. You will never be forgotton
P.S. I love you.
Biology class.
Anyway, the day came when it was time to discuss evolution. I knew it would be good, because there will always be that one Christian in class that disagrees with everything the teacher says, and usually state it angrily. I was really hoping it would happen. And it did!
My bio teacher first started talking about Darwin and then fossils, and then how bats, cats, and whales evolved out of the same animal. And then how people and all organisms evolved from the same prokaryotic bacteria. This is when this guy in class started saying like how can they prove it and so on. Then he went on a rant about Jesus and ended with,"God, biology is hard to understand." Which was extremely hilarious because he just took the Lords name in vain, which is something Christians shouldn't do, right?
Monday, October 20, 2008
C'mon Guys! You can do it!
Looking into my own life, I now realize that more of my girl friends go to college than my guy friends. It's weird to look at and to understand why this is happening. I guess all we can do is support our male friends and encourage them to be like us ladies. :)
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Old Intro Vs. New Intro!
Distinguishing parts of my identity seems easier now as I get older. After some thought and debate, I have come to the conclusion that my personality fits that of a lawn chair. Lawn chairs and myself have similar qualities such as being laid back, made for the outdoors, and having much versatility.
As far as inanimate objects go, myself and lawn chairs have much in common. It took some thinking to see what I share with random objects and then it dawned on me that I truly am like a lawn chair. Lawn chairs and I have similar qualities such as being laid back, made for the outdoors, and having much versatility.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Text Messaging and Satan.
After I got my phone it took a little while to get used to it. Especially the texting part. I would get annoyed at texting because I was so slow at it. If someone texted me and asked me a question I would just call them back and tell them my answer. I also got very annoyed when someone texted me and I couldn't even understand what it said. When guys text its the worst. You can't tell sometimes what they mean, since its just words with no emotion.
I do appreciate the wonderful ways of the text now. I got used to the easy way it was to communicate when you couldn't really say anything out loud. It's easy to stay connected with anyone when you can send and receive text anytime and anywhere. So, it does have it's benefits and convenient uses, but when texting is your only form of communication, I think it's time to put down the phone and step outside.