Monday, October 20, 2008

C'mon Guys! You can do it!

From reading "What's Going on...with our Boys?" it is definetely surprising to see how things are drastically changing with the amount of women going and graduating college than men. Men feel that they do not need college to make something out of themselves. They have other options such as join the military or working as laborers. Many women feel that they need college to be able to support their family's and live comfortably. They also know that the divorce rate is very high these days and they may need to support themselves one day.
Looking into my own life, I now realize that more of my girl friends go to college than my guy friends. It's weird to look at and to understand why this is happening. I guess all we can do is support our male friends and encourage them to be like us ladies. :)

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Old Intro Vs. New Intro!


Distinguishing parts of my identity seems easier now as I get older. After some thought and debate, I have come to the conclusion that my personality fits that of a lawn chair. Lawn chairs and myself have similar qualities such as being laid back, made for the outdoors, and having much versatility.


As far as inanimate objects go, myself and lawn chairs have much in common. It took some thinking to see what I share with random objects and then it dawned on me that I truly am like a lawn chair. Lawn chairs and I have similar qualities such as being laid back, made for the outdoors, and having much versatility.