Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Biology class.

I hated biology when I was a freshman. I'm really not sure why, because now I kind of like it, or rather making an effort to like it. Right now I'm planning on becoming a psych\soc major and biology seems like something I should know for later on. . .

Anyway, the day came when it was time to discuss evolution. I knew it would be good, because there will always be that one Christian in class that disagrees with everything the teacher says, and usually state it angrily. I was really hoping it would happen. And it did!

My bio teacher first started talking about Darwin and then fossils, and then how bats, cats, and whales evolved out of the same animal. And then how people and all organisms evolved from the same prokaryotic bacteria. This is when this guy in class started saying like how can they prove it and so on. Then he went on a rant about Jesus and ended with,"God, biology is hard to understand." Which was extremely hilarious because he just took the Lords name in vain, which is something Christians shouldn't do, right?

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