Wednesday, December 10, 2008


When I was little I believed in Santa hardcore. I was anxious the entire month of December. Trying to be on my best behavior, which I thought would ensure me in more presents. Every Christmas me and my brother made an oath that we would stay up as late as possible to try and see Santa. I remember one year we built this fort type thing on Christmas Eve and waited inside til we eventually we both fell asleep. I also got really into watching the news on Christmas, since they told where Santa was and where he was going to next. It's just funny how much I believed in him, without really having any solid logic why a man could fly around the world with a sleigh of reindeer. That's why it was an amazing time to be a kid, you do not need logic to understand. The day I found out Santa was not real was a really terrible day. I cried....and cried...and then sat inside my closet and cried. I couldn't understand why people lied to their children about where their presents actually came from. It didn't make any sense. It still doesn't.

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